Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend and ActivTrax Review

Friday workout: Weight training
Saturday workout: Smiling for an hour for photos
Sunday workout: 5 mile run outside

Well, it was another busy yet productive weekend for us!

Friday night, Hubs To Be and I had a date at the gym. We did our tests and had our orientation for ActivTrax. I LOVE this! It makes it so easy to do a weight workout. I enjoy doing weights, but I often just can't decide what to do next or just don't know what to do next, so now I don't even have to think about it! 

The above sheet prints out at the gym (or at home). You record the actual weight you lifted (if different from the suggested) and the actual reps (it gives you a range). After you are finished you log in and enter your workout. It keeps track of everything for you and will increase your weights when appropriate.

Easy peasy.

Saturday we had our engagement photos taken. We were unsure about doing any, but went ahead and went for it. We know the photographer and that definitely made it less awkward. We lucked out with weather in the 60s and no rain!

Sunday was spent cleaning, running errands, grocery shopping and working out.

I woke up at 5 a.m. but refused to get out of bed until 7:30. I think I had 4 loads of laundry done by noon not to mention several other random household chores. It felt good to be productive so early, but I was ready for a nap by 12:30.
Instead of napping, I went for a run! It was warm but rainy. I ran the first 2 miles with HTB then went on for another 3 alone. It was the first we ran together since December 16th! It was nice to run together and I felt really good on the 3 I did alone too. I almost kept going.

I made a homemade air freshener to simmer on the stove while cleaning Sunday too. What better way to use the peels of the clementines we've been snacking on? I just added the peels, water and little vanilla. Smelled delish!

My friend got me hooked on these vitamin C chewables. They taste great and with this flu craziness they can't hurt, right? They were BOGO at Kroger and all they had left were these ginormous bottles. So, if you  need any vitamin C, you know where to go!


  1. I've caught up and will hopefully not start falling behind again. I wanna do 100 miles with you by V-day. Great idea. :)

    1. Great, now I have a buddy for it! Yay! I hope you are getting settled in!
