What a week this has been!
So much has been going on and I have been absolutely exhausted by it!
Most of it has been fun though, minus that little trip to the ER Sunday night, but at least everyone is OK!
I found this guy at IKEA yesterday and really wanted to take him home with me.
I mean, seriously, that face is precious.
This weather has been giving my sinuses fits and making me so sleepy.
I managed to make dinner even though I didn't feel like it last night.
It was my first attempt at spaghetti squash and it turned out quite well!
Thankfully it is super easy!
I just poked some holes in it and threw it in a baking pan in the oven for an hour at 375.
Once it cooled down a bit I cut it in half then used the fork to make it spaghetti like (after removing the seeds and squishy part).
Next time I will add a lot of veggies, I was just lazy this time.
We planned to hit the gym after a quick dinner, but we were both worn out.
I still made myself do some squat, lunge, push up, and ab intervals though.
I did 3 sets of each and between 20-30 reps of each exercise.
My abs are actually a bit sore this morning!
Not a normal or hard workout, but much better than just laying around watching Breaking Bad which is what I really wanted to do.
And so I don't make Pugalicious too jealous, how about this cuddly face too:
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