Monday, March 11, 2013

A Case of the Mondays

Friday: Rest
Saturday: Shamrock Shuffle 10K
Sunday: Stretching, rest

Monday, we meet again.
With a time change....ugh!

An hour shouldn't make that much difference, but somehow it gets me every time.
I really think I had an easier time adjusting to the difference in Japan than I do every fall and spring for daylight savings.

Getting my hair did!
After a little pampering with a hair appointment on Friday after work I met Autumn for Thai and sushi and maybe a little wine too! The food was delicious and the company was great. I laughed so hard I cried and everyone might have been staring at us.
That's what girl friends are for.

This is why I don't take selfies. Don't mind the possessed look in my eyes.
Saturday morning I was up bright and early to run the Shamrock Shuffle.
I've been running this race for several years now.
It's a tough, hilly course, but a lot of fun.

It wasn't a great race for me, but not too shabby either. I finished 18th in my age group (out of 164), 127th overall, 32nd female (out of 424) with a time of 51:01 (8:13 pace).

 Sunday I had lunch/dinner with my good friend Jen. She was kind enough to drive down from Dayton for the Santa Suit run but then with the excitement of the engagement (not to mention the flu) I didn't get to spend nearly enough time with her.

Jen and I at the Louisville Derby Marathon 2011

We might have been plotting some future running craziness!
 But I swear, it was all her idea!

Now the goal is to keep that 8:13 pace for 20 more miles...
More on that coming up!


  1. Congrats on the race. That's an awesome time (jealous!). I've been noticing that a lot of US races take place on Saturdays, is that the norm? Here's it's usually Sundays (I guess to allow people to travel on a Saturday?). I think I'd prefer to race on a Saturday so that I'd have Sat night to celebrate and not worry about being shattered at work on a Monday! :)

  2. Most marathons are on Sundays (there are some on Saturdays though) and most 5 and 10Ks tend to be on Saturdays. That is a very interesting culture difference!
