It was another beautiful day, made more amazing with the arrival of my favorite Texas residents safely arriving in good ole Ohio yesterday afternoon!
So of course I popped over there for a quick visit after work. I can't let them be in town for more than a few hours before I see their faces!
Piper dog and I went for a nice long walk as soon as I got "home".
Apparently it was too bright out and I couldn't really see what I was doing. I am an awesome photographer.
After our walk I decided another quick pinterest workout would be nice before yoga. I kept it quick and easy again, but just wanted to do something.

My gym does Yoga Under The Stars every so often, and last night was another session. It ended up being Yoga Under The Clouds, but at least it didn't rain! I missed the last one, so was super excited to meet Katie and Justine for this class. It was a perfect evening.
We began class as the sun was reaching it's final moments of setting. It was cool outside, there was a nice breeze and not a bug was in sight.
This was a restorative yoga class and just what I needed after a hectic first 4 days of the week. Although at times it felt like torture in the midst of the deep stretches.
If I could do yoga outside every day, I think I would. It was so peaceful. I think I like every type of workout better outside - running, soccer, swimming, cycling, yoga.
One last photo from the end of the night just to completely blow you away on my photography skills:
This is what happens when you are not supposed to be moving but are trying to take a picture anyway and not be noticed. Ooops.
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