Our long run this Saturday was a bit of a down week for most of the group, but not for me. I had been a few miles behind every week since the frozen run so I used this opportunity to catch up with the group. We ran the first part of the Flying Pig course. For the last half I ended up with a group of 3 guys and 1 girl - none of them had run the Pig before. It was fun helping through Eden Park and reassuring them that no more hills like that existed for the remainder of the course. I was feeling really good and had a pretty good run until mile 12.5. The last 1.5 miles were the bridge back to Cincy and Second street. My legs were sore, I was tired and the bridge was making me dizzy. I thought about closing my eyes to finish getting across the bridge, but my fear of falling over the side and into the Ohio River kept me from doing that. I ended my run with Joan, Jeff and Joe -I felt like I was with my sis and cousins - the lonely B(ee) among all the J's.
(the cousins minus one J)
Unfortunately I was not able to go with the group to breakfast, so I headed home and got ready to get my hair done. It's different...and I think I like it!
It feels good to be caught up on my mileage (and with a great friend)...and ready for this week's 15-17 miles. My legs definitely need hot yoga today and I will also most definitely be rolling around on my fabulous foam roller that I invested in a few weeks ago. And a nap today would totally rock, however my to do list in my head keeps getting longer longer...better get to it!
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